Dip Into Pretty Unboxing and First Impression

Disclaimer: The products featured were provided for review.

Dip Into Pretty (www.dipintopretty.com) makes toe separators (#pedispacers) for pedicure which comes in cute and unique designs. Instead of the traditional toe separators which usually come in a foam material with all separators in one piece, Dip Into Pretty separators come in individual pieces. They are made with silicone and have rounded smooth shapes. 

I tried these pedi-spacers on my toes right away and they are very comfortable to wear! They separate the toes for your polish painting just enough that you almost don't feel them. With traditional toe separators, I try not to walk in them when I am doing my pedicure. If I really needed to, I would walk like a penguin because they are very uncomfortable especially with the thick foam underneath the toes. The individual piece design is pretty brilliant right?

How cute are these sparkling and gem stone style separator? They are definitely jewelries for the feet! Here you can see the tapered hourglass shape of each body which wraps around the curvature of your toes comfortably.

However, I do not recommend wearing these to go out (sometimes a girl gotta be on the go right?) because you can loose them easily since they are in individual pieces and they are very un-detectable that you might not be able to tell if one came out!

Each pack comes with 8 toe separators and a little pouch for storage. 2 separators are bigger for the big toe gap and the rest are the same smaller sizes.


There are also some other goodies in the package. How cute are the emoji phone decals by iDecoz? There are also some cool lightning bolts jewelries by Wren + Glory!

Would you try these #pedispacer?
For more info, check: dipintopretty.com

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